Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Zombie Eat Flesh Tee Shirt

I went into Subway the other day for lunch and as I sat down to eat my meatball sandwich I overheard some kids talking. They were joking and goofing around like typical high school kids. I heard one of them say zombie eat flesh then they all started laughing.

It took me a little bit to figure it out but the eat flesh sounded like eat fresh, so I was like okay I get it ha ha. But I thought this would be a cool idea for a tee shirt. So naturally I came home after I finished eating and sat down at the computer.

I put zombie eat flesh shirt into the search engine and low and behold there are some parody tee shirts that say just that. Very funny and quite amusing if you ask me. I ordered one and I can't wait for it to arrive.

Parody tee shirts to me always get a lot of attention. I like that the shirts I am wearing make people laugh or even start conversations. That is what its all about, plus wearing a unique funny shirt like this makes me feel cool.

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